Volume: 17 Issue: 31, 1/25/23

Year: 2023


General Aim

The Journal of Akdeniz Sanat (ASD) is an eleven-year-old open-access journal in the field of research in art and design. It has recently undergone a radical transformation. We’ve renewed its design throughly, updated publishing rules, reformed managerial and advisory boards, tightened review process and take necessary measures to increase scientific credibility of our articles. Being confident of what we have been realizing for the sake of higher academic standarts, it is our primary aim to make ASD an internationally reputable academic journal in the field of research in art and design.

ASD carries out a Double-Blinded Peer-Review process where neither writers nor reviewers know the identity of each other. A formal pre-evaluation for the submitted papers is applied by the editor team. Then, at least two peer-reviewers who are eligible (with a Ph.D. degree or Art Excellency degree in a related field with topic of paper) are appointed for the paper. If the paper is rejected by both of the reviewers then paper evaluation process is stopped. When one reviewer accepts but the other does not, then a new reviewer is charged. Only after two of the reviewers give approval, the paper is taken to publishing phase. For the revision requests from the reviewers, writers are given at least 15 days. However, where necessary this period can be extended for a limited time. Revised papers are mostly sent back to reviewers for the last approval. Only when reviewers let the editor team to give the last decision for the minor revisions, then editor team can give final approval for the publication.

Scope, Content and Definitions


Journal: The Journal of Akdeniz Sanat of Akdeniz University,

Owner: Dean in the name of Faculty of Fine Arts of Akdeniz University,

Editorial Board: Distinguished academics publishing in the field of artistic research, who are charged with by the departments of faculty and/or picked and appointed by the Dean’s Office.

Advisory Board: Distinguished senior academics picked from at least five universities by editorial board.

Peer-Reviewers: Distingushed academics holding Ph.D. or Efficiency in Arts Degrees.

Editor: Senior academics from the departments of Faculty of Fine Arts of Akdeniz University, who are appointed by Dean’s Office.

Assistant Editor: Senior and/or junior academics from the departments Faculty of Fine Arts of Akdeniz University, who are appointed by Dean’s Office.

Secreteriat: Junior academics picked by the editör.

Objectives and Scope

1. The purpose is to set the rules and norms as to Journal of Akdeniz Sanat published by Faculty of Fine Arts of Akdeniz University.

2. Aim is to make a common academic platform to be mutually formed by different disciplines in the field of fine arts.

3. The journal publishes academic papers of the subjects in relation with social science and humanities as long as they focus on the art.

4. The journal publishes in twice a year (January and July since 2018).

5. The journal is a national peer-reviewed journal. It is indexed by Dergi Park. Indexing monitoring process is undergoing for Ulakbim TR-Dizin.


1. Papers submitted to the journal should be contributive for the field, being prepared with appropriate research methods, theories and models.

2. Journal publishes original research and review articles, in which eventually an established or a new concept, theory or model is explained and criticised.

3. Papers should be submitted in accordance with the publication principles and the format adapted by the journal.

4. Author, who submits his/her paper to the journal, is considered to have approved the ethical codes of the journal.


The committees of the journal

1. Tasks of editorial board:

. Editorial board hold meetings when necessary.

Reviews the papers submitted to the journal in terms of their compliance with format and appropriateness in the field.

Makes a decision as to the publication of paper, considering the peer-review results.

Makes a decision to publish a special issue with an absolute majority.

2. Tasks of Peer-Reviewers:

Reviews the papers in respect to their quality to meet publication principles, focusing on content, method and originality, and decides if it is eligible to be published or not.

Responsible for completing the form to be sent by journal team (editor, assistant editor or secreteriat).

The number of peer-reviewers can vary depending on the subject and conditions of articles.

3. Tasks of editor and assitant editor(s):

Coordinate between editor and editorial board

. When necessary, editor proceeds the tasks of editorial board. If this is the case, editor takes approval of owner.

Identifies and picks the distinguished experts to be peer-reviewers, considering researchers academic performance (theses, publications and field of expertise)

Matches papers with appropriate peer-reviewers.

Arranges the accepted papers in an order suitable for publication.

Coordinates with assistant editor.

. When seen necessary, editor calls for editorial board to hold a meeting.

4. Tasks of Secretariat:

Provides assistance in technical issues and other staff.

Corrects misspellings and rearranges the papers (if necessary) according to printing and designpatterns.


1. Papers found eligible to be published by editorial board or editör are sent to two peer-reviewers from the field. In case that both reports of peer-reviewers are affirmative, the paper is accepted to be published for the next issue. If one of the reports of peer-reviewers is negative, then the paper is sent to another reviewer. The papers found eligible after peer-reviewers’ reports with corrections are sent back to the authors (via e-mail or other ways) to be revised and revisions should be completed in 15 days most. Revised paper may be sent back to reviwers in case it is seen necessary by editorial board or the editör. Those papers, which are not refused but not completed till the date of publish, may be proceeded for the next issue on the compromise between the editör and the author(s).

2. After two approvals from the peer-reviewers of the field, papers are published by the last decision made by the Editorial Board. Authors must take into consideration of the views and evaluations of peer-reviewer, Editorial Board and the editor and make their revisions accordingly. In case of disagreements, the author(s) has/have the right to oppose by writing their reasons for their dissensus on separate paper. 

3. Approved papers are put in an order by the editor by their subject and relevance.

4. Authors of the papers rejected are informed by e-mail and/or other proper ways of communication.

5. Before the main reviewing process, papers submitted to the journal are examined by the secreteriat in case of inconvenience to the spelling and grammatical rules, and according to the convenience of the subject and plagiarism reports of programs (such as iThenticate).

Updated on August 15, 2019.

Concept and Mission

Art has no boundaries; thinking on art has no boundaries, either. However, the art is contextual. Meaning of art can best reveal itself if contextual elements are considered throughly: including, the art object itself, the artist, technical conditions, political and aesthetic movements and approaches, economic base etc.. The local information can only and as long as be seen useful if it becomes a gate opening to universal wisdom. Therefore, all the information documented on local cases must be connected to theoretical and practical questions on the raison d’etre of the art.

Akdeniz Sanat is a peer-reviewed journal, whose editorial identity is based on the notion expressed above. The journal publishes academic papers on all the subjects focusing on art. Major aim is to contribute to the accumulation of artistic knowledge. In doing so, it gives priority to the improvement of the tradition of artistic research.

Updated on August 15, 2019.

Preparing Manuscripts

1. Journal has the eligibility for the statute of “National Peer-Reviewed Journal” and publishes twice a year, January and July. If seen necessary, the journal may publish a Special Issue on the approval of Editorial Board with absolute majority. 

2. Papers must not be submitted previously to or presently in evaluation process for another periodical or non-periodical publication.

3. Papers are grouped into two categories: academic articles (research papers) and non-article papers.

    3. 1. Academic articles

    a. Research Paper: Contributive paper for scientific and artistic researches by refuting established theses, bringing about a new view, unearthing unknown documents and information.

        b. Review article: Reviewing a literature of a specific field of inquiry, paper that brings a new view for a disputed and ambigious subject.

    3. 2. Non-article papers

        a. Note to editor: Comments, corrections and explanations for previously published articles at the Journal of Akdeniz Sanat.

        b. Activity/Book Reviews: Scientifically prepared papers that includes information, comments and critique about exhibitions, artistic performances, projects, films, meetings, festivals and books of the field etc..

        c. Translations: Turkish translations of original articles to be selected by Editorial Board or the Editor, being considered contributive in related fields of inquiry.

        d. Interviews: Transcripts of interviews to be held with important persons renown for their success in related academic and artistic fields.

4. Copyright of the papers to be published is owned by the journal. Authors accept that the copyright of their papers to be published is transfered to the Journal of Akdeniz Sanat. 

5. In case the author(s) is/are demanded to make corrections, revision must be completed and sent via DergiPark (www.dergipark.org.tr) in 15 days. Editor may make minor extensions in the deadline.

6. Authors must share their titres,mail and e-mail address, telephone numbers and the institution they work for. Under no circumstances will the identity and contact information be given to the peer-reviewers.

7. Corrections may be made by the secreteriat as long as these are minor adjustments.

Preparing Manuscript

Authors to submit paper must comply with the rules listed below:

1. Original and academically sufficient papers are accepted to be published only after the approval by the reviewer team (peer-reviewers, Editorial Board and the editor). In case of being found not suitable for the rules of spelling and grammar, the paper is sent back to the author to be corrected. Only after correction, the paper is sent to the peer-reviewers. Those papers with unacceptable numbers of grammar and spelling mistakes are rejected. 

2. Publication language is Turkish and English. If the paper is in Turkish, the last edition of spelling book issued by Turkish Language Society (TDK) is accepted as main book of rules of spelling. Manuscripts should be academically convenient, clear and understandable in terms of language and expression. 

3. Manuscripts must be prepared at a word processing program (such as Microsoft Word) in A4 size, Times New Roman, 12 point size, 1,5 line spacing, justified (bloc). Page margins are expected to be 2,5 right margin, 2,5 left margin, 4 upper margin and 3 cm bottom margin. Page numbers must be put on bottom right-hand corner in 10 point size. Paragraphs should begin at 1 cm inside of start of line. Excluding abstract and bibliography, papers should be no longer than 8000 words. 

4. Title must be in capital letters, Times New Roman and in 12 point size. Abstract script must be Times New Roman and in 11 point size while the main manuscript is Times New Roman in 12 point size.

5. On the first page, there must be title, name and title of author(s) (on the right hand side, in italic and in 11 point size), the workplace, e-mail address (at the footnote with the sign [*] and in 10 point size), Turkish abstract (max. 250 words) and five keywords. First letters of keywords must be in capital letters. Equations, references and non-standardized abbreviations should be exluded from the abstracts. Abstracts in English must be at the second page and should carry the characteristics with the abstract in Turkish. Besides, the information (if necessary) about the financers of the research or the paper’s submission to an academic activity (a conference, seminar and the like) as oral presentation or a poster, must be given on the first page as footnote with the sign (**). Other supplement explanations should be given as footnotes in the main block of manuscript.

6. All the information given in the first page must be presented in English on the second page.

7. Papers must be submitted in an edition of “Word for Windows” (with .doc file extension) to DergiPark.

Principles as to Referencing in the Main Text:

1. All intext citation must be formed according to APA (American Psychological Association) system of referencing. APA-6 Publication Manual rules are accepted as the publication norms.

For spelling, writing and referencing rules, see:

1.       https://www.tk.org.tr/APA/apa_2.pdf

2.      https://www.apastyle.org

2. Direct quotations longer than 3 lines should be given in a separate paragraph, in 11 point size annd with 2 cm left margin.

Princples to be followed for the Bibliography: 

1. All the resources in the text must be referenced in the Bibliography or vice versa. Intext and bibliographic information about the resources should be coherent. Author is respensible for the accuracy of information given about the references. Non-used resources should not be referenced in the bibliography. 

2. The title of “Bibliography or References” should start at a new page, in capital letters, centred, bold and same with the text in other manners. References should be written beginning from the left hand side of the paper and should be in alphabetical order.

Principles to be followed in referencing document, table, shape and graphics.

1. Appendices (documents), will be at the end of the text and a shord information about the content of the document should take place just below in a manner convenient to the rules of scientific referencing.

2. In case that signs (other supplements such as tables and shapes) in the main text are extremely frequent, the titles should be written like “Supplement Shape 7” and be put after bibliography.

3. The references to the other supplements to be displayed as above should be referenced in the main text like “Supplement Shape 7”. Tables and shapes, if referenced, should be added the resource.

Updated on August 15, 2019.


Bilim etiği; bilimsel araştırma üretme, araştırma sonuçlarını yayma ve bilimsel değerlendirme süreçlerini kapsar. Akdeniz Sanat, bilimsel yayın etiğini en yüksek standartlarda uygulamayı ve Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) tarafından dergi editörleri ve yazarlar için geliştirilen Uluslararası Standartları dikkate alarak hazırlamıştır.

I. Yazarlar için:
Akdeniz Sanat Dergisine gönderilecek makalelerin yazarları, aşağıdaki maddeleri kabul ettiklerini, bu ilke ve süreçlere uyacaklarını makaleyi göndermekle beyan etmiş sayılırlar.

1. Bilimsel araştırmanın yapılmasında yeterli birikim ve donanıma sahip yazarların açık, dürüstlük, şeffaflık ilkelerine bağlı, ilgili alanda (konuda) araştırma yapmış ya da yapmakta olanlara saygılı olmaları beklenir.

2. Tüm makaleler, özgün bir konu (sorun) ile ilgili; bilimsel bir metodolojiye dayalı ve araştırma etiğine uygun olmalıdır. Bu bağlamda;
• Yanlış (ya da yalan) veri beyanında bulunmak veya üretmekten,
• Başkasına ait veri ve bilgileri açık / kesin kaynak belirtmeden kullanmaktan,
• Kasıtlı olarak eksik ya da yanlış bilgi sunmaktan
• Plagiarizm / aşırmacılıktan (farklı kelimeler kullanarak veya cümleler kurarak değiştirip sunmak, bilgi ve düşünceleri, uygulamaları kendi fikriymiş gibi sunmak, bilinçaltı yanılsama aşırma biçimleridir) kesinlikle kaçınılmalıdır.

3. Yayının içeriğinin yansız olması, kişisel çıkarlar, kaygılar, politik görüşler ve inançların yayını etkilememesi, yayında yararlanılan bütün kaynakların atıf yapılarak belirtilmesi, yayındaki bilginin üretilmesinde, derlenmesinde, ölçülmesinde ve yayına hazırlanmasında payı olanların teşekkür edilerek anılmalıdır.

4. Ulusal / uluslararası indekslere girebilmenin ya da düzeyli bir araştırma makalesinin temel şartlarından biri de makale kaynak(ça)larında (bibliyografyalarda) atıf(lar) almış, etki faktörleri olan (yahut en azından google scholar’da bulunan) yayınlara öncelik vermektir. Akdeniz Sanat Dergisi’ne makale kabulünde bu durum öncelikli onay sebeplerindendir.

5. Bir kongre veya toplantıda yayınlanan bir yayın özeti, yayının basılmak üzere sunulmasını engellemez. Ancak bu yayının toplantı veya kongrelerde sunulmuş olduğu o yayının basılmak üzere yapıldığı başvuruda mutlaka belirtilmelidir.

6. Yazarlar bu makalenin Akdeniz Sanat adlı dergide belirtilen isim sıralaması ile yayınlanmasını onaylamaktadırlar.

7. Katkıda bulunan yazar(lar)ın veya varsa yazar(lar)ın işvereninin; a) patent hakları, b) yazar(lar)ın gelecekte hazırlayacakları kitap veya diğer çalışmalarında makalenin tümünü ücret ödemeksizin kullanma hakkı, c) makaleyi satmamak koşuluyla kendi amaçları için çoğaltma hakkı gibi fikri mülkiyet hakları saklı kalmaktadır. Bununla birlikte çoğaltma, sergileme, başkalarına verme ve diğer dağıtım durumlarında işbu makalenin tümüyle veya kısmen bir ortamda kullanımında Akdeniz Sanat’a atıf yapmaları gerekmektedir. 

II. Yayıncı / editör / hakemler için:
1. Bağımsız ve tarafsız davranır,
2. Dürüst davranmak, doğruyu söylemek, gizlilik ilkesine riayet etmede hassasiyet gösterir,
3. Eşitlik ilkesine uygun hareket eder,
4. Ön yargılı davranmaz, tutarlı hareket eder, bilimsel değerlendirmelerde tanımlayıcı, net ve açık olur,
5. Kendine verilen değerlendirme süresine uyar; değerlendirme süreçlerinde sadece eleştiri yapmaz, yapıcı geri bildirim ve önerilerde bulunur,
6. Hakemlik görevlerini esinlenmeler, fikir hırsızlıkları yaparak kötüye kullanmaz; haksız çıkar sağlamaz,
7. Bilimsel gereklilikler dışında bir makalenin yayınını engellemez ya da geciktirmez
8. Hakem belirlemelerinde bilimsel gereklerin dışına çıkmaz, alanla ilgili çalışanların hakem olarak belirlenmesine özen gösterir,
9. Alanı dışındaki değerlendirme taleplerini reddeder.
5 Nisan 2022 tarihinde güncelleme yapılmıştır.

Dergimize yazı kabul süreçlerinin hiçbir aşamasında yazarlarımızdan ücret kabul edilmemektedir.

Submission of articles for the January 2025 issue of Akdeniz Art (volume: 19 issue: 35) will take place between October 1 st to 15 th , 2024.